LowCountry Tennis Association


Team captains are encouraged to be participating members of a local league team and should be familiar with the structure and procedures of the league, as well as the Rules of Tennis. 

A captain’s responsibilities include:

  • Attend all captains’ meetings.
  • Recruit enough players and alternates necessary to complete the season.
  • Ensure that all players meet eligibility requirements and have registered for your team.
  • Distribute all materials to team members including schedule of play, directions and a list of all team members and telephone numbers.
  • Make team members aware of all local and state league regulations. Sending a link is helpful.
  • Ensure team members are aware of local playoff and state championship dates.
  • Confirm home matches and contact opposing team captains to confirm date and time of match.
  • Reschedule matches due to inclement weather within two weeks and notify your flight coordinator (within 2 days) of dates of rescheduled matches.
  • Report winning match results to Tennislink within 2 days following the match.

Resources for Captains

USTA League Captain Brochure (Updated 6/2020)

Friend at Court Handbook of Rules 2024


TennisLink New Team Management Tool Quick Tips

How to Create a Team on USTA website: (CAPTAINS)

1. Go to tennislink.usta.com/leagues and log into your USTA account
2. On the right side of the page, under MY Quick links and then Online Team Creation
3. Follow the prompts, including providing the state/region/district
4. Team name should be input with the following information ex: LCTA40/Jones/Park West.
5. Click Create Team.
6. Follow the instructions on the screen for payment
7. Write down your team number.
8. You will receive an email confirming your registration.

Co-Captain Registration: How to register as a co-captain during registration, please click the checkbox that says, “Are you the captain?” You will be able to view your captain’s information.
 Check the box that you are the captain, the system will automatically assign you as co-captain.

I’m a Captain and have lost my team number. How do I find it?

Log on to TennisLink using your USTA number. Go to your team page. Select the “Player Roster” tab beside Team Summary. The team number is next to your team name.

What is the rule regarding the timing of makeup matches?

Within 48 hours of a match postponement, a makeup date should be scheduled and the league coordinator notified. The date of the makeup match must be within 2 weeks of the original match date. If captains are unable to agree to a makeup match date, our regulations state that the match will the scheduled for the first following Saturday at 2 PM.

Helpful Links