LowCountry Tennis Association Leagues Information
All local league play is governed by four sets of regulations:
- USTA-SC, Southern and National regulations
- USTA-NATIONAL 55 and Over Addendum.
League regulations are revised regularly. Captains and players should download the current regulations at the beginning of each league season.
Check back often for changes to league regulations
For details on Days of Play and regulations for each league, choose the league links from the menu. For specific questions about a league, contact your captain or the league coordinator.
Who to Contact
Players should email their captains with any questions or issues they have. The captain is responsible for contacting their flight coordinator. The League coordinator should answer the captain within 48 hours; if no reply, the captain should contact the Flight Coordinator for follow-up.
If an urgent matter, the player should contact their captain via TEXT, the captain can TEXT their flight coordinator. Flight Coordinator can request a phone call.
All inquires should be sent to the local level. not the state.