LowCountry Tennis Association

USTA/LCTA Tri-Level Tennis

USTA/LCTA Tri-Level Tennis

It’s coming to a LCTA Tennis Court near you…

Tri-Level Tennis has become wildly popular in the USTA nationwide and is growing rapidly.

ALSO- Very Important – Tri-Level Counts Towards Your NRTP Ratings

Why now for Tri-Level Tennis?

As an introduction, the LCTA will be holding an abbreviated Round Robin Tri-Level competition in order to qualify teams for the Tri-Level State Championship in Greenville, South Carolina on September 7th-9th, 2024.

With a shortage of courts, between Mixed and Combo Leagues and a focus on competitive fun – on Friday June 21st at 6:00PM – the LCTA will hold a Tri-Level Tennis Round Robin format tennis night – the winners from the Round Robin will face off on Friday July 19th and the winners from those matches will move forward to USTA SC Tri-Level State Championship.

What is the Tri-Level Format?

Tri-Level Format is designed to provide a unique team opportunity that is fun, social, and competitive by combining 3 Doubles Courts of different NTRP Levels per team.


Team A (2-3.0, 2-3.5, 2-4.0)                                Team B (2-3.0, 2-3.5, 2-4.0)

Court 1, 2 – 3.0 players from Team A    vs          2 – 3.0 players from Team B

Court 2, 2 – 3.5 players from Team A    vs          2 – 3.5 players from Team B

Court 3, 2 – 4.0 players from Team A    vs          2 – 4.0 players from Team B

Team that wins 2 courts wins the match – simple!

Tri-Level NTRP Teams will be as follows:

Men and Women:

1.   2.5, 3.0, 3.5

2.   3.0, 3.5, 4.0

3.   3.5, 4.0, 4.5

**Players can only play on one team NTRP Level**

*Players must play at least one match to qualify*

*Minimum 6 players required – two players at each level*

Round Robin Structure:

First Round Robin – Friday June 21st at 6:00PM

Round Robin capped at first 16 teams that register – due to the number of courts available (we will expand in future years).

**When you register your team, it needs to have at least 2 players for each level of play to be considered complete to be included.**

Registration Opens May 27th, 2024 and Closes June 15, 2024. 

**Please keep in mind your players need to be available for all dates of play (including State Championships) in order to compete.**

Several different Facility Sites will be used for Round Robin, Sites will be drawn on June 18th.

Registered Teams (16) will be divided in 4 groups through a blind draw.

Abbreviated short sets will be played – all 4 teams will play each other once.

What to do now?

Get a team together and register ( we highly recommend at least 3 players of the same NTRP level per court) on May 27th!

To register:

Go to Tennislink – use traditional team registration format.

Please email Meg Farrelly, Event Commissioner, with any questions – megphotogirl@aol.com

This is a great way to meet other players from different levels, socialize and enjoy an active Friday night. Look for LCTA giveaways, raffles, pizza etc.

Hope to see you soon!

Say hello to Morgan, Meg's new puppy!