USTA/LCTA Tri-Level Tennis

USTA/LCTA Tri-Level Tennis
It’s coming to a LCTA Tennis Court near you…
Tri-Level Tennis has become wildly popular in the USTA nationwide and is growing rapidly.
ALSO- Very Important – Tri-Level Counts Towards Your NRTP Ratings
Why now for Tri-Level Tennis?
As an introduction, the LCTA will be holding an abbreviated Round Robin Tri-Level competition in order to qualify teams for the Tri-Level State Championship in Greenville, South Carolina on September 7th-9th, 2024.
With a shortage of courts, between Mixed and Combo Leagues and a focus on competitive fun – on Friday June 21st at 6:00PM – the LCTA will hold a Tri-Level Tennis Round Robin format tennis night – the winners from the Round Robin will face off on Friday July 19th and the winners from those matches will move forward to USTA SC Tri-Level State Championship.
What is the Tri-Level Format?
Tri-Level Format is designed to provide a unique team opportunity that is fun, social, and competitive by combining 3 Doubles Courts of different NTRP Levels per team.
Team A (2-3.0, 2-3.5, 2-4.0) Team B (2-3.0, 2-3.5, 2-4.0)
Court 1, 2 – 3.0 players from Team A vs 2 – 3.0 players from Team B
Court 2, 2 – 3.5 players from Team A vs 2 – 3.5 players from Team B
Court 3, 2 – 4.0 players from Team A vs 2 – 4.0 players from Team B
Team that wins 2 courts wins the match – simple!
Tri-Level NTRP Teams will be as follows:
Men and Women:
1. 2.5, 3.0, 3.5
2. 3.0, 3.5, 4.0
3. 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
**Players can only play on one team NTRP Level**
*Players must play at least one match to qualify*
*Minimum 6 players required – two players at each level*
Round Robin Structure:
First Round Robin – Friday June 21st at 6:00PM
Round Robin capped at first 16 teams that register – due to the number of courts available (we will expand in future years).
**When you register your team, it needs to have at least 2 players for each level of play to be considered complete to be included.**
Registration Opens May 27th, 2024 and Closes June 15, 2024.
**Please keep in mind your players need to be available for all dates of play (including State Championships) in order to compete.**
Several different Facility Sites will be used for Round Robin, Sites will be drawn on June 18th.
Registered Teams (16) will be divided in 4 groups through a blind draw.
Abbreviated short sets will be played – all 4 teams will play each other once.
What to do now?
Get a team together and register ( we highly recommend at least 3 players of the same NTRP level per court) on May 27th!
To register:
Go to Tennislink – use traditional team registration format.
Please email Meg Farrelly, Event Commissioner, with any questions –
This is a great way to meet other players from different levels, socialize and enjoy an active Friday night. Look for LCTA giveaways, raffles, pizza etc.
Hope to see you soon!